Friday, February 4, 2011

most spectacular book on earth

i just finished reading water for elephants. it took me about 2 days to read it, because i had to put it down to go to work. believe me, that was hard to do!

this is easily one of the best novels i have read. i don't know that i have ever felt so many emotions at one time while reading a fictional story. and i know for a fact, that i've never wanted an extramarital affair to happen so badly.

the character that i unexpectedly liked was walter/kinko. he was so ridiculously angry and upsetting when i first met him, that i didn't know how jacob would survive living with him. i kept thinking that walter would throw him under the train somehow, just because he didn't like him. i knew there was more to walter when jacob saw that he read classic literature. unlike many of the people who worked the circus, walter must have had a decent education. that makes me think that he was destined for great things, but was unsure of where to go to make those things happen. what i do know is that he came to a premature, and quite tragic, end.

the other character that caught my eye, never said a single word. i loved rosie, just like i'm sure most of you did. the beast that so many regarded as dumb and stubborn was actually the most perceptive being involved in that circus. i'm going to be a teacher here for a moment, so bear with me. rosie reminds me so much of the students i have met over the years that have some sort of language barrier. these students have no hope if someone isn't willing to take the time to cultivate a relationship with them. when you haven't taken the time to learn about such a person, there is no way to discover all of the wonderful things that person can do. as a result, rosie was beaten because of august's intolerance for those who didn't catch on right away. when jacob and greg discovered rosie's secret, she was then able to become the heroine in a surprising way.

what did you think?


  1. I adored that book. One of my faves. Have you read "The Power of One?" Another awesome story.

  2. i have seen the movie many times. the book is on my 'to-read' list. it's very powerful.
